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The following is an example of our daily routine although the times mentioned are not strictly adhered to as we run a flexible session based around children’s individual needs


Church Street, Teston, ME185AH

07805 796353


Daily Routine


9.00 – Doors open.  We welcome children and their families into the setting.  Items the children have brought in go onto the interest table and the children help to hang up their coats and bags on their named pegs, place their named t-shirt card on the self -registration board and put their ‘home bags’ in the box.


The activities at this time allow for children’s choice although our five daily staff are always available to encourage and/or support any child who maybe unsure.


When all the children are happy and settled we come together to say good morning! The children gather around the interest table, we say our good mornings, at this time we introduce some simple signing and look at our visual timetable. We have a brief show & tell with items on the interest table, discuss any ‘news’ from home and introduce any visitors and/or events happening that morning.


The children can then go into a free play period, both in and outdoor experiences are available in a free flow environment. A planned adult led activity either craft/cooking/planting is available.  At this time we also open our cafe.  This is run by a member of staff in the side room where children can come in (max 5 at a time) during the morning to have their snack whenever they like.   After washing their hands the children can choose from a range of snacks and drinks including water, milk & fresh fruit from the local farm shop.


During this time those children not in cafe continue with play based activities, both indoor and outdoor, which the children can access freely. (Safety is always paramount and staff are always supervising both areas).  This period allows staff time to encourage children with new skills, enhance their learning experiences and ensure that individual children’s interests and needs are taken into account within our planning.


Books play a huge part in a child’s development so after all the children have had their snacks (11.00 – 11.30) we all sit down together and read a book and sing some songs that the children choose.  We also have puppets and instruments that we sometimes use to engage the children further.  


After story time the children are encouraged to join their keyworker for small group activities. Depending on the individual children these can last just a few minutes and be based on a small group discussion such as what have you done today and/or introducing a new toy or skill. After which the children are able to participate in activities of their choice.  


At this time the older ‘preschoolers’ will join our Phonics teacher and partake in a small group phonics session or enjoy our many clever finger activities to help the children develop their fine motor skills in a fun and creative manner.


12.00 –   We arrange the chairs in a semicircle and the children are given their coats, bags and home bags.  Just before home time we sing our little goodbye song.  The families of those leaving are welcomed in when staff are always available to discuss what their children have been doing each session.


For children who do all day sessions the day continues as follows:

The children go and wash their hands with a member of staff before collecting their lunch boxes.  Staff sit with the children whilst they have their lunch.  We discuss issues such as why we do not share food and eating healthily.  

As the children finish their lunch they participate in quiet activities such as puzzles and table top games, and then have a ‘quiet time’.   During this time staff sit in the book corner with the children we have blankets, cushions and quiet story and music tapes.


We now provide a children’s choice time, many of the activities available will have been changed from the morning session and we always have inside and outside activities available.  We do have craft activities available at this time; these are either a continuation of the planned activity or something the children have asked for, for example the painting easel.  During this afternoon session we also have a music and movement session and/or use the parachute.


2.20 – After helping to tidy away some activities, the children sit down and are given their bags, coats, lunchboxes and home bags.


2.30 - We open the door to welcome all the families in to collect their children.


We aim to run to this routine every day, however there are many times when certain periods over run and/or we have a guest in the preschool.  On some occasions when the children are happy and enjoying themselves we do delay other things so that they may have more time.



We hope this gives you a little insight into your child’s day with us.

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Teston and Wateringbury Preschool

Tel: 07805 796353     Email:

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